Hello, World!


This is my website. I am Manik Sharma.
I am a 13 year old (currently) developer from India.
I like to do stuff like coding and I love to use Python and some Arduino or ESP32 for my projects.
I am currently learning Godot and C/C++ (and doing more with Pygame!)

Check out some of my projects below!

Letsplayatlas The Github Clickthebutton! Forum BigAhhClock

My Projects:

daVidTools is a passion project of mine.
It is a camera - picture and video and voice recorder app.
It is made in Python using PyAutoGUI and PySimpleGUI for the GUI
and sounddevice and OpenCV for audio and camera respectively.
Link here

Simpl-TextEditor is a simple text editor (wow who would have guessed!)
made using Python and Tkinter only. It lacks some basic features, and
is pretty basic albeit nice imo (could be biased lol).
Link here

TicTacToeTK is another simple TicTacToe clone using
only Tkinter (I love this library btw) and Python
it is pretty much everything you need but no AI (yet).
Link here

Galactic Star
Galactic Star is a simple game made using Pygame
(yay something different!) and Python (yea I like Python)
It basically consists on some obstacles you have to pass and
it gets progressivly harder as you continue. Link below:
Link here
Play it online here

Ahh, finally the reason I made this Github. This is code
for a competition for which the diagram is give above.
This is my trusty NavDet. Feel free to use it! It uses an
Arduino and a HCSR04 and other stuff (on the Github page)
and I'm really proud of it.
Link here

PyGameChess Puzzles
This is a new project of mine! The inspiration came from
a riddle which had a 5x5 chess baord. I checked and I couldn't
find ANY games which had a 5x5 chess board. So, instead of making
It it Adobe Express (school gave me), I made it in PyGame as ANY
Programmer HAD TO! (lol). Try it! :D
Link here

And Many More!... Check them out on my Github and the links above (like letsplayatlas and Clickthebutton!)

Contact me!

Email me! Email me! Check out my twitter! Check out my twitter!

This work by Manik Sharma is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
Unless stated so otherwise.



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